Monday, February 25, 2019

Some Common Hobbies You Can Make Money From

Some Common Hobbies You Can Make Money From 

We’ve all got our hobbies—pastimes that we dedicate some of our spare hours too because we find them fun or fulfilling.
Here's a list of some common hobbies that you can potentially make money from, whether it's through freelancing, becoming an affiliate, building an audience, or simply starting a business.

Everyday Hobbies that Make Money

  1. Writing
  2. Illustration and design
  3. Comedy
  4. Cooking
  5. Travelling
  6. Photography
  7. Gaming
  8. DIY crafts
  9. 1. Writing

  10. Writing and publishing online has the potential to offer you a lot of practical value outside of being a mere hobby. You can use it to further your career and establish yourself as an expert on a topic. You can build a platform for sharing your ideas. Or you can rent out your skills.
    The most obvious way to make money writing is to sell it as a service—freelancing on sites likeUpwork or Fiverr blogs for paid gigs. Good content writers with niche expertise are usually in demand. 
    However, if you have the discipline and know how to write a good blog post then you can create your own blog-based business by picking a niche and building an audience over time.

    2. Illustration and design

  11. Like writing, illustration and design are skills that you can offer as a freelancer. Fiverr particular is where a lot of newer artists with a variety of illustration styles find clients in need of their skills, whether it's for marketing projects or custom portraits.
  12. Hate Copy is a good example of a business that was started by an artist putting their art onto things that people can buy.
  13. 3. Comedy

  14. Are you good at making people laugh? Do you know what the hottest memes are right now?
    Why not take that sense of humour and use it to build an audience on the internet?
    You can probably think of several Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter accounts that have amassed large audiences simply by curating memes and viral videos or tapping into a niche of humour that no one else is serving.
    Once you have an audience, you can partner with brands to do sponsored posts or turn your best running jokes into t-shirts and other products.
  15. 4. Cooking

  16. Food has become an art form worthy of taking elaborate pictures and the time to perfect as a craft. It's not only amateur chefs who are involved but people with adventurous palettes looking to explore new tastes.
    It's a hobby you can share with the world in a variety of different ways, from starting a blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account dedicated to recipes, to diving head-first into a business by creating your own food or cooking products.
  17. 6. Photography

  18. If you own a nice camera and know how to use it, you’ve got a few different ways you can make some money on the side.
    While you can become a freelance photographer, you’re usually restricted to local events and gigs that you can physically attend. Professional photography accounts are the 2nd most lucrative on Instagram in terms of how much brands are willing to pay for a sponsored post. And you don't need hundreds of thousands of followers either. 

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